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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Saturday's Visit to CHA

Today is the last day of CHA 2013 and I wanted to share with you some of my pics from Saturday when I walked the floor of CHA.

I also wanted to share with those of you who are not able to get into CHA, that your truly not missing out. The real part that is so extra fun about CHA is seeing friends, meeting up with friends, and hanging out with your friends at CHA. That's really what makes it great! Yes, you get to see new product but,  I like to be able to buy it and take it home with me that day. Nope, not a CHA!
So enjoy all the pics you find online and remember your truly not missing out.
Make a day and go out on an adventure with your friends to some scrap stores, enjoy a great lunch, and have a fun crop night. It's truly one of my favorite things to do with friends, even way more fun then CHA.

Here's Amy Tan's holding her brand new just released Signature Series magazine from Northridge Publishing. Her scrapbooking style and products is a favorite of mine. She definitely brings a uniquely different and fun style approach to scrapbooking. Amy Tan, was outgoing, bubbly, kind and funny which was great to see. 

One of my favorite new products from Amy tangerine is this super cute calendar stamp.


Here is one of the new product lines I was looking forward to seeing from Crate Paper, featuring Maggie Holmes new product line.

The booth was very cute just as I expected and all the products and displays where very cute as well.

My very favorite new product of the entire CHA show was definitely these cute little mini bow ties from Maggie Holmes line. It's refreshing when you see something new that every other company doesn't have something similar to.

My friend Genine and I having a little fun with the props and displays at the booth since Maggie exited the booth right after several of us went in to look around we decided to have a little fun. :)

New products from Becky Higgins, Project Life I'm really loving the new 12x12  Pink Chevron album.

Another must have item is the cute 6x12 plastic envelopes from Project life. I tried ordering these several days ago on Amazon but unfortunately they where all sold out. :(

This cute vintage polaroid cameras where part of a super cute display from Webster Pages, featuring a new designer Allison Kreft. She made these cuties with wash tape and paper from her new line.

Love Love Love how Allison juiced up the typewriter with her new paper line and made it extra cute!

The cutest thing was these new bags with all the super cute wood grain patterns on them, they are a must have item for scrapbooking fun!

Over all I can definitely say that this by far was my favorite line at CHA this year. I found lot's and lot's of products and super cute goodies, but as a line in whole this is my number #1 first pic for an entire line. Can't wait to add lot's of her new papers and cuteness to my tammy i page kits.
To see more of her products visit Allison Kreft's blog.

Happy Scrapbooking! :)

1 comment:

Ronda Liebert said...

Hello, I am checking out your site. I was at Archiver's scrapping last night and met Carla of Katy, TX. She was doing some of your kits. I hope I see some that work for me. She told me how great you were.

Thanks, Ronda Liebert